Tuesday, October 13, 2009


It has been awhile since I have posted and I apologize. Things are going well for Dominic at school and on the progress fronts. Dominic's school Physical Therapist ran tests before we left for Germany and when we got back. She said that he has improved in strength and in muscle tone. The muscle tone improvements are important since his tone is so strong that it prohibits him from doing things. So, if we can get it to start relaxing, things could start to happen for him in the small motor groups (fingers, hands, etc).

We are going to see an eye specialist in a couple of weeks and maybe start some eye therapy. Dominic is reading words off of his computer when his aid puts them up. Previously, the letters would jumble up on him and he could not see them.

So, it is small things that are huge to us. His birthday is coming up on the 29th and I need to plan a party. Always something. Hope everyone is doing well and I will try to stay a little more up to date on this blog.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Two weeks of school down

Dominic has finished two weeks of school and things have gone well. We have not seen any new developments. He says he feels more relaxed and better. We are continuing to work on strengthening exercises and he likes to "walk" within the house. We hold him under his arms and he takes steps. He has always done this, but his steps are much better and he can go a lot longer. We are still trying to figure out the vision piece, but he says it is easier to focus. I guess time will tell.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Off to school

Dominic returned to school today and was very excited to be there. It will be interesting to see if people notice any differences in him. We have been told that he seems more relaxed, that he is following things better and that they can understand him better. We are hopeful that things might be changing, but it has been less than 2 weeks and we are watching and waiting.

We have been to meetings and social outings at the school and pool since we have been home. It is nice to be back and having fun. Dominic is fully back on Colorado time, but not so sure about school time. It will be interesting to see how he feels at 2:30 this afternoon when I pick him up.

We will try to keep up on posting his progress. Thank you to everyone for your interest and support.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Good to be home!

We made it home yesterday around 5:30 p.m. We had a wonderful crowd waiting for us at the airport -- the Spiers, the Freeds and Mrs. Johnson-Smith were there to greet us and the Ojemann family was recruited and they came in from somewhere. It feels great to be home, but we are all exhausted. Dominic woke up around 5:00 and asked "what time is it in Germany?" I told him that it was around 1:00 in the afternoon and he said that is probably why he couldn't sleep. (He started to wake up around 3:00 in the morning).

He has been feeling pretty good. He threw up when we landed both times yesterday. I was afraid that the side effects were kicking in, but he promised me it was just the landings. We had turbulence for over 2 hours before we landed in Dallas and I think the 1st officer was practicing his landings as well because it was a very rough one.

We took Grandpops (aka the dogsitter extraordinaire) to the airport today so he could return to his dogs and wife after 2 weeks. The dogs are sad to see him go since they know they won't get as many walks. We are extremely grateful to him for taking such good care of the girls and our home while we were gone. On a side note, his bag was delayed on his flight home and United gave him $150. Not bad.

Dominic is readjusting to being home. He says he feels good and that he thinks his eyes are working better. His hands seem much more relaxed. They are not fisted as much as they were. I am sure we are looking at every little thing, but we are hopeful we will see some changes soon. We will continue to keep everyone updated on the progress. He has his last week of summer to enjoy and then school starts on the 24th. Another busy time.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Chillin in Dusseldorf

We are spending a relaxing day around the hotel. We are going to venture out to the shopping area via train shortly. Dominic's back is very sore, but Motrin helps alot. He can have more within the hour and then we will leave the hotel. He is making a shopping list. Dunkin Donuts may be on it.

He slept well last night except for his father's snoring. He was laughing and telling him to roll over from about 4 to 6 a.m. Maybe we could get stem cells for daddy's nose.

Dominic woke up sore, but feeling good otherwise. Ben's family e-mailed this morning (he is from Wisconsin) and he started throwing up and feeling bad before bed last night. The clinic was sending more medication over for them as they had run out. We are hoping to avoid this all together.

It is almost 3 in the afternoon and won't be out long. Hope everyone has a great day. We'll let you know how he does after being out for awhile.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Due to user difficulty the last two posts are very similar. I'm still learning.

We are done!!!

The stem cell reimplantation is done. Dominic is a champ. He had over 11,000,000 cells and they put some of the extra directly into his wrist and thigh muscles. His back is a little sore right now, but he feels good.

He ate a ham sandwich at the clinic and is now polishing off a cheeseburger, schnitzel and a kebob. (We are helping as well). The place down from the hotel is awesome -- ask the Spiers.

We are hopeful that Dominic will continue to feel good and just keep getting better. He is trying to test his new cells, but we are trying to convince him to rest and not to expect everything immediately.

Now, he needs a doughnut. We found a Dunkin Donuts yesterday and brought donuts back. However, he is sure to want the apple streudel with ice cream from downstairs shortly. It is to die for.

We were with families from Wisconsin and Florida today. The boy from WI has CP as well and the girl from FL had development delays that occurred after she was immunized at a year. Please keep these families in your thoughts and prayers as well. It will be interesting track all these children and see what is happening.

We look forward to seeing everyone soon. See a lot of you at the School Supply Sale and Ice Cream social next week. We hope Dominic will stay well and continue to get better. We love you all!!!

We are done!!!!!

Dominic did great today! We had a little glitch with our ride to the clinic; they were an hour late (and they were for everyone else as well). They are little more relaxed about scheduling than back at home. I think all the moms today will need big drinks tonight.

Dominic had over 11,000,000 cells; the average is 3,000,000. They used some extra to inject directly into his wrist and thigh muscles. The doctors have found that it will relax the muscles. The doctors started the procedure at about 12:30 and Dominic was done by 12:50. He then rested at the clinic until 4:00. He ate and is already asking for dinner now. Steve is going to our favorite place around the corner for burgers again. The Spiers know what we're talking about.

Dominic says his back is a little sore and he might have some soreness in his wrists and thighs as well. He is trying to grab for things and is convinced he needs to start using all his body parts. We are trying to convince him that he needs to rest today.

We were at the clinic today with families from Florida and Wisconsin. We will keep in touch with them to track progress. The little boy from Wisconsin has CP as well and the little girl from Florida had a bad reaction to medication when she was one and has been completely developmentally delayed since. Let's keep them in our thoughts and prayers as well.

We will keep everyone posted in the coming days. I turned on the data on my phone so we can answer e-mails for the rest of our trip. We love you all!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

First Procedure Is Done!!!

The bone marrow collection is done. Dominic was awesome!!! He shed a couple of tears and screams right before going into the treatment room, but who wouldn't? The other kids that were there did it too. Luckily, we called the clinic this morning to find out what time they would pick us up. Our appointment was scheduled for 2:30 and they told us they would be at the hotel at 10:45. Turns out, they rescheduled the time, but did not bother to let us know. Dominic actually slept in to 9:30 and we wouldn't have made it if I didn't call. They are very laid back here.

Once they took Dominic to do the procedure, it only took about 1/2 hour. The process beforehand, though, took about 1 1/2 hours. He still has not eaten today (neither have we) and it is after 3:00 p.m. Steve is out getting food right now. It will be the same on Wednesday.

Dominic feels good right now; a little tired and very hungry though. Tomorrow we will probably take a Rhine river cruise and look at the fancy shops here. Then it is back to the clinic on Wednesday and lots of rest after that.

We met a family from Florida before Dominic's treatment and a family from Wisconsin that was after Dominic. I think the word is getting out in the US. Let's hope things happen quickly back home for this type of procedure. Hope everyone has a good couple of days and we will update you again on Wednesday. XXXOOOO

Sunday, August 9, 2009


We are here. Dominic wants to know, "what will happen if I hide tomorrow?" I don't think he is too excited for the procedure. I am sure it will be fine and am trying to convince Dominic of that as well.

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow and for the rest of the week. We are hoping that he can avoid the spinal headache that can come with Wednesday's treatment. We want to be able to come home on Saturday.

If I can figure it out tomorrow, I will try to post some pictures tomorrow. Right now, Steve needs his computer for work. I know.... work. Oh well, at least he got to come.

We will update you tomorrow after the first procedure. Good night everyone (it's time for bath and bed for all).

Saturday, August 8, 2009


We are currently in Munich for the weekend. Dominic seems a little more relaxed now and is actually wanting to venture out. We are going to be tourists today; Dominic wants to do toasts at the Hofbrahaus (sp?) and we will go to the Olympic Park and BMW museum.

Tomorrow, we will take a 5 hour train ride to Dusseldorf and get ready for the procedure on Monday. We are hoping they will move up the appt as it is now scheduled for 2:30 and he will be under anesthesia and will haev to fast. We are hoping to get in around 9:00.

Dominic got to talk to the Spiers yesterday and was very happy to hear from them. It sounds like they had a good trip, but are happy to be home. I am sure we will be too.

A very special "thank you" to my dad for staying at our house and taking care of our dogs. That is such a huge help to us. Hope everyone at home is doing well. Will update again after the procedure on Monday. Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

We are here!

We made it to Germany (Frankfurt) yesterday around noon and decided to take a taxi instead of the train to the hotel. Who knew that a 10 year old could stay up the equivalent of all night? We were all too tired to navigate the train system as Dominic did not close his eyes once during the entire 9 1/2 hour flight. We arrived at 4:00 a.m. Denver time and no one slept all night. I have to say that for someone with no sleep, he did not fuss or whine once. What a trooper! We did take a good nap after getting into our hotel room.

We are on our way to Munich tomorrow for a relaxing weekend before getting to the clinic. Dominic seems nervous about the whole ordeal as he does not want to leave the hotel and does not want to go to Dusseldorf. I think he is worried he will get the spinal headache like Harrison did. I do not know how to reassure him about this. He has been very brave and I know he will do well.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Please send them our way on Monday and Wednesday. We will keep you posted.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Dominic's home health agency, Amazing Care, has raised over $2,000.00. The wonderful employees there have pitched in and raised over $2,000 in less than a month. A flyer went out a few weeks ago telling about Dominic and Harrison's journey and that the owner would match what was raised. In another overwhelmingly short amount of time, the community has come through with flying colors.

Just as we think things are winding down, another full strength force comes through. In this case, it was spearheaded by Dominic's nurse, Valerie Vaughn -- an angel in our lives. She heard the story mentioned on KOSI 101 just before the race and she approached the owner of Amazing Care and the rest is history. Absolutely Amazing!!!!

For more press coverage, see the attached link for the front page news story in today's Denver Post : http://www.denverpost.com/search/ci_12728203

Tonight at 9:00 and 10:00 pm, the boys will be on 9News. I think there is already a print story on the website and the video will be added after the newscast. They also stream their newscasts live. Their website is www.9News.com.

As always, thank you everyone for your continued support. Keep checking back as we will post throughout the summer and while we are in Germany. We should have a grand total at the end of next week of all money raised.

Happy 4th weekend to everyone!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Big Thank You

We want to thank everyone for their amazing support of Dominic, Harrison and our families. It is truly overwhelming. Haircuts for Hope raised another $1600 and the home health agency that oversees Dominic is fundraising as well.

We want to wish Jeff Nobel, Dominic's speech therapist's father, our thoughts and prayers and luck as he is heading to Germany to undergo this procedure as well. Please say a prayer for him and his family.

The donation letters will be going out this week to anyone who contributed by check. The fund wants to close out the accounting by the end of the month and get the money wired to the Xcell Center. Again, we are so grateful to everyone for the support. With all the well wishes and prayers, we are hopeful for a positive outcome. We will keep you posted throughout the summer and then when we get to Germany in August.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Haircuts for Hope on Sunday

On Sunday, Blue Mist Salon in Lone Tree is hosting "Haircuts for Hope" for Dominic and Harrison. They are offering haircuts and manicures at a discounted price. See their website for address and phone number. Appointments are necessary: http://www.bluemistsalon.com. Thanks everyone for your support. It is truly amazing!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

5k run and pasta dinner a huge success!!!

On Saturday, May 23rd, the Cottonwood Community held a 5k fun run for Dominic and Harrison. Over 300 people came out to support the boys and over $5800 was raised. It was an incredible day of fun and support. Dominic and Harrison had a blast!!! We had so many people come to help and we even ran into some old friends. It is amazing how the word is spreading. Our local Fox station showed up and did a story on the 5:00 and 9:00 news. I'm not sure if this will work, but here is the link to the story, if you have not seen it yet: http://www.kdvr.com/video/?clipId=3793575&topVideoCatNo=151673&c=&autoStart=true&activePane=info&LaunchPageAdTag=homepage&clipFormat=flv

Last Friday night, the swim team for our local pool held a pasta dinner to benefit the boys. They served over 300 homemade pasta dinners and raised over $1500. It was an unbelievable night! (Unfortunately Dominic was sick and did not make it).

We are so overwhelmed by this outpouring of support for our families. We do not even know how to begin to say thank you to everyone.

Friday, May 22, 2009

This story is generating a lot of attention

Dominic and Harrison are really generating a lot of buzz. A local radio station, KOSI 101, was giving information over the air about the 5K tomorrow. (We have 212 people registered to run/walk/chat tomorrow).

9News, the local NBC affiliate, has been taping Dominic and Harrison over the past two weeks and interviewed us moms yesterday. We are not sure when the story will be on, but it could be a tear jerker.

Fox31 News is coming to the race tomorrow, along with the Denver Post and the Villager paper from Greenwood Village. The Aurora Sentinel was out at the school on Monday and is going to run a story.

The support continues to be amazing. A group of girls made pipe cleaner bracelets and sold them after swim team practice for the boys. There was a lemonade stand last weekend. And we ran into a 3rd grader on Wednesday who told the boys that they were going to do a "snack stand" for the boys with 2 locations. How cute is that?

We want to thank everyone for their support in this journey; it is truly overwhelming. We will post photos from the run tomorrow and let you know how it goes.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Some wonderful Cottonwood families took time and patience to create a website for Dominic and Harrison that gives fundraising information. Check out www.thebighope.com for more information.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Local Fundraising Opportunities

The Cottonwood community has really stepped up to help our boys. In the school cafeteria, they are selling "Miles that Matter". For every $5 that is brought in, Dominic and Harrison's plane moves a mile closer to Germany. It is approximately 5,000 miles. In three days, the children at school have raised $1,930. UNBELIEVABLE!!!

On Saturday, May 23rd, there will be a 5K Fun Run for The Big Hope. It will start at Cottonwood Creek Elementary at 10:00 (start times will be staggered by last name) and will end up at Cherry Creek Vista Pool. There will be water bottles along the way and popsicles will be sold after the race. If you are interested, please e-mail me at the3kings@comcast.net.

On Sunday, June 14th, our hairstylist will be doing Haircuts for Hope at the Blue Mist Salon. Claudia has been cutting our hair for years and she and 5 other stylists will be offering discounted haircuts with all proceeds going to The Big Hope. I will attach the flyer if you are interested.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dominic and Harrison are taking a trip!

Dominic and his friend, Harrison, are about to begin a journey to Germany to have adult cell replacement therapy. This blog will detail the procedure, tell about fund raising events, and keep you posted on everything that is going on with the boys.